Guestbook for All Photographs
Marti de Alva(non-registered)
Today, I stumbled onto your website, seeking I don't recall what. No matter. What I found here is rich with inspiration, your photography, brush work, and haiga.

Stan Phillips(non-registered)
Peter, Peter,
Can I reach you this way. I've been trying both your e-mails and phone which seems to be out of service. If you get this will you write back right away. First, to let me know you're all right. And second to give me a phone number so we can talk. It's the time of the summer where I have to finalize the next course year, and hope, of course, that you will be a part of it once again.
Thanks. . .Stn
My friends and I happened on your work in the Mother Earth store.
We were so moved by them and have various peices among us, I myself have given your beautiful cards to others who have also enjoyed them.
What better way to share the peace that our world inspires...
Thank-you for sharing your gift.
jai levy(non-registered)
your work is deep and so beautiful.
brings delight to the spirit and also a quality of natural meditative awareness.
you have a great gift with the camera, the brush, ink,the light.
it's like these are extensions of your heart, expressions of authentic being.
thank you.