PH2300a art sculpture WeiWei FGrass Lib info-meme 10x6@120 -5609
from the info plaque : ‘ F Grass by Ai Weiwei, China
his passport withheld since 2011 - Ai Weiwei is an influential artist & human rights activist - from his studio in Bejing he chose the location in Vancouver -
F Grass is a metaphor for a blockade with spiky iron grass blades; each blade symbolizing countless individuals who collectively can become a resilient powerful force -
seen from above the sculpture shows the shape of a F -
The pronunciation of the Chinese Kanji Character for ‘grass’ (because of the language containing many homophones) has been used to create meanings of f u c k / you or similar -
Weiwei has often used it as an act of defiance against censorship ‘